Editor’s Letter – November/December 2021
Being able to hunt year-round on public land in New Zealand with little restrictions on the game animals we take is a right we must never take for granted and one we need to protect.
Read MoreBeing able to hunt year-round on public land in New Zealand with little restrictions on the game animals we take is a right we must never take for granted and one we need to protect.
Read MoreThe plans Russ and I had made for the 2020 Roar were, like everybody’s, scrambled by COVID-19 – we wanted to make up for it this year.
Read MoreWith a crew of 11 and enough rifles and ammo to start a small war, we set off from Christchurch ...
Read MoreHunting, for some, is an outdoors pursuit that provides a disconnect from the urban jungle, while for others, it’s a way of life that’s all encompassing.
Read MoreI often have customers come into my shop and ask if I can get a specific brand of powder or projectiles.
Read MoreThis year there’s been a huge change in my life. After 14 years of being in the same automotive workshop, I made the switch to an aviation workshop where I now maintain aircraft.
Read MoreLeg cuts from an old stag … or yearling back steaks – could you tell the difference?
Read MoreFrom a young age, I started hunting with my dad – who is a very keen deer hunter, fisherman and game-bird hunter – collecting many respectable trophies along the way.
Read MoreWhat gets you out of bed in the morning? What puts a smile on your face no matter what? What’s your motivation?
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