Softbaiting for Trout in Small Streams
The softbait revolution began in Akron, Ohio in 1949 when Nick Crème created a plastic fishing worm. It revolutionised freshwater bass fishing in the US ....
Read MoreThe softbait revolution began in Akron, Ohio in 1949 when Nick Crème created a plastic fishing worm. It revolutionised freshwater bass fishing in the US ....
Read More“Why go fishing?” is a question we can all ask ourselves. Is it to ‘bring home the bacon’ for the family? Is it to deceive then land a fish we can photograph and release? Or is it for the opportunity to recharge after a period of stress?
Read MoreOne could ask: how can a shore-based fisherman find kingfish in such a vast area? Well, he can’t cover it all – just the water he can safely negotiate, but that area is still extensive.
Read MoreFine day, blue river, light northerly … what better place to be than Kairaki? The mission? To catch a ‘birthday salmon’ on my fly rod.
Read MoreOn August 5, weather conditions would be nigh on perfect at The Lake: fine with light north-westerlies.
Read MoreThe terrace on the south-western corner of Lake Daniells, situated about forty feet above the lake, has supported the construction of three huts.
Read MoreWe’ll examine the huts that followed – through terror and tragedy – until we arrive at the hut that presides over this beautiful lake today.
Read MoreSoon after starting T-Coll and varsity, I discovered Lake Daniells, a rainbow lake tucked away in the Lewis Pass Scenic Reserve. Wanting to return but lacking transport, I fired a shot in the dark, asking Dad if he would go with me.
Read MoreWhile the capture of that fish epitomises what fly fishing is all about for me, I realise there are better anglers who carefully study insect life, tie up realistic imitations and ‘match the hatch’ for discerning trout with their flies.
Read MoreAfter shifting to Longburn in 1980, I was content to fish the Manawatu River, which was just a short bike trip from home.
Read MoreLike many anglers, I’m a creature of habit. Once locked onto a productive fishery, I tend to visit it repeatedly ...
Read MoreRookie Jack continued to fling his green and white UV Z-Spinner into the ebb tide of the Waimakariri Estuary until its shoreward travel was interrupted by a large Chinook salmon.
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