One morning, I’m thinking it’s time to go for a hunt. 3 minutes I said to myself. Warm clothes on, guns ready, ute packed, time to head off into the misty darkness of the morning.
We were spotting and looking out the back of our own farm, heading towards the river. I think I see an animals head. I tapped on the roof, and we came to a stop. I showed Dad where I thought the deer was. He aims straight at the deer. He breathes in and out before slowly putting pressure on the trigger… boom! The deer drops, rolling down the hill and into a swamp.
We go to get the deer and it’s still alive. I finish the 12 pointer deer with a 22 bolt. I help Dad gut the deer and carry it back to the ute. Then we carry on hunting.
Time to shoot rabbits. Boom boom boom. One by one the rabbits on thrown onto the back of the ute.
When we get home Dad and I skin the deer, as flies swarm around us. We finish skinning the deer, cut it up and then cut up the rabbits to cook them for dinner. A great days hunting.
Are you 14 yrs or under and got a great hunting or fishing story you’d love to have published? Send the story and a photo to us at and we may just upload it here for everyone to read.